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Computer & Network Support  :  Tel 02380 001 001
SMALL BUSINESS SERVERS for File, Print, Email and more
File. When everyone keeps their own copy of the company database on their own PC, which one is correct and up-to-date? If your customer changes address, wouldn't it be better to have it updated once, centrally, and then have everyone use the new one? Fact: Data is more often lost due to mistakes than to viruses.
A File Server will organise your data more efficiently, limiting who has access to it, and allowing you to organise your business properly. We have new Network Attached Storage devices which are much cheaper than traditional servers, but have similar benefits. Why not get organised today?

Print. Rather than pay through the nose for each person to have an inkjet with high running costs, why not have one or two sturdy Colour Laser Printers on your network? More reliable, lower Total Cost of Ownership, fewer printers to maintain and fewer supplies to keep in stock.

Email. Between 50 and 70 percent of your email traffic may be internal, so why risk security and use up your Broadband bandwidth sending it out of the building and back? Email servers can be installed and configured for less than you think. Once you run your own server, you can allow your sales staff to check their emails from anywhere, keep control over content, or even check that important email from home. If your Broadband goes down, can your office still function and communicate? Run your own server...

Intranet. Along with your Email Server, why not use an Intranet (internal network) to host your own private internal website for your business use? Price lists, help files, phone books, and many other types of company information can be updated centrally, once, so the rest of your company has access to up-to-date accurate information - across the room, or across the world.

Only you know where you'd like to go, but we can help you to use technology to get there quicker, with lower costs, and less hassle. Email us for more information, or Call 02380 001 001 now!            <- back
Looking after IT all for you
Is your data secure?  Do you have a backup in case of disaster?  Is it organised so you can find what you need?  CAN YOU USE IT TO MAKE MONEY !?

We can help you beat the recession blues!  Get more out of your hardware and software. Minimise costs while maximizing security, reliability and efficiency.
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Freemantle IT ~ Desktop / Laptop / Server  ~  Home & Business  ~  FREE Estimates  ~  FREE Callout  ~  NO FIX, NO FEE*
an E.G. Systems company
"Leading by example..."
* conditions apply
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Tel: 02380 001001
(09:00 - 19:00 Mon-Sat)
Virus Removal
Spyware Removal
PC Won't Start
Data Recovery
Data Transfer
Broadband / Cable
Internet Problems
Email Problems
Wireless Networks
Cabled Networks
Hardware Faults
New PC Setup
Much, much more!
Worried about cost?

Over 80% of our Home callouts are fixed for less than £60 !
Give us a call on
02380 001 001
and we'll listen to what you can tell us about the problem, and give you an idea of cost before we visit so there are no nasty surprises.
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Our Remote Support software allows us to work on your PC/Mac via the Internet!

And, we'll give you a 35% Discount on our rates if we use this method to fix your computer.